CAC Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes Brings in Skills with Origami Engineering
CAC, Consultoria en Ahorro de Costes, or Consultancy in Cost Saving, has signed in these days a partnership agreement with Origami Engineering, with the purpose of combining their boutique consultancy with the broadest range of activity of Origami Engineering.

“When we first started talking with CAC in Spain, we immediately discovered their high professionalism and respect towards their market and clients. This has been very much appreciated at our end, hence we are very happy of this opportunity to work with CAC in Spain, to support their business offering our wide range of services, while receiving from them a very much qualified professional support. A sensitive issue, but not limited to Spain, is the reduction of costs and the wise administration of purchases. We wish we will be able to export CAC formula to all our customers base.” says Raffaella Grassi, Senior Partner at Origami Engineering.
CAC, Consultoria en Ahorro de Costes, was born in 2012 with the mission to SAVE CUSTOMERS A LONG TIME thanks to the capitalization of the experience of their professionals working on the purchases in the main areas of expense of the company, whether large, SME or self-employed. CAC becomes an indispensable ally and supports CEOs, General Managers, CFOs, Heads of Procurement, etc. and make sure their work is much more productive.
CAC takes the role of an outsourced complete purchasing department, advising on the optimization of current resources, and studying the best way to reduce the costs throughout all the departments of your company.
Thanks to alliances with leading companies in their sectors, CAC offers their clients a team of experts in the main areas of expenditure of any company. The current situation will be scrutinized and specific recommendation given on the strategy to be carried out to implement corrective measures when necessary. CAC offers the best pre-negotiated conditions with their service providers and are so good as to work on a success fee basis. More information can be found at their website
The founder Mr. Enrique Peña Donnay has always looked at the partnership with Origami Engineering with a friendly eye, mostly compelled by the same ethics and way of working that the two organizations have in common.
He says “For CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes, having the chance to work with Origami Engineering is a huge opportunity to have their support to improve our quality service towards our customers and open our service to new clients and partners all around the world. And the most important thing for us is that we work with the warranty that all of the partners share the same ethical ground of Origami Engineering. We are pleased to partner with Origami Engineering, to be part of this worldwide network, and by our part we at CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes, we will do our best to be equal to the task.”